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Hi guys...
This bitch, her name is gonna be orange, and she's making hell of me and my friend's lives. So um first, my best friend was crying because everyone is sayin she's faking her injuries from gymnastics. Then ORANGE insults the rest of us, while insulting her too. And, uh, yeets her lunchbox at us. Yay. Then, today, she tries to hang out with us. Our teacher says we need to stay away from each other, and this girl says the problem is solved? Like, bitch what? Then we tell her it wasn't, and then she makes me cry by saying all of my achievements mean nothing and I probably cheat on tests to keep getting 100, and that I'm a motherf*cker. Happy times.
And um my best friend (let's call her lemon) is gonna put love notes in her crush's locker, and it's making me think I should do smthing too... AGH I HATE HAVING A CRUSH. And my crush is just so sweet, funny, and he's such a good person and now I'm ranting shit. NEway, tysm for reading this shit. <3