Alrighty question: If a woman is pregnant and her fetus is endangering her life, should she be allowed to abort? If a young girl; inexperienced in child care, vulnerable, and at great health risk during pregnancy, is raped, should she be allowed to abort? If a woman wants to abort her baby but it is illegal where she lives, so she opts for back alley abortion, is that right, and if so is a pro life and anti abortion movement going to stop it? Also what is a wattpad account gonna do to stop abortion?
@umbutttocks250 I appreciate all off your questions. If you would like to have further conversation, I would like to have them in a private message. If you are unwilling to have a private message, then we cannot continue to have the conversation.
@ProLifeSquad a pre born child is a fetus. But you see these people in the foster care system who have already been birthed arent getting a beautiful life. Going from foster home to foster home is not beautiful, especially when some homes could be dangerous. Going from home to home and always leaving people behind can leave someone deprived of love and affection and feeling lost and unlovable. Why not give them a chance? I've given several reasons. First there is the foster care system issue. Then there is also the physical and emotional trauma a pregnancy can have on a woman. And of course there is her safety, for example if she has a life threatening health condition in which giving birth could kill her or she is being threatened for being pregnant at a young age by friends and family. Many families kick pregnant daughters out of their homes. When you say "some that do" that is incorrect, most organizations provide abortion and/or birth control, the big and less costly one being planned parenthood. A woman is "whole" just by being a human, she does not have to have kids or be pregnant to make her "whole". And that last comment was also irrelevant because may I bring up again the adoption and foster care system...also many women who need to put their child up for adoption are in situations where it is hard for them to spend time searching for a good family and what they end up doing is giving the baby to a hospital or fire department. And where does that baby then go? You guessed it. Right into the foster care system. I'm not taking an opportunity away from anyone, there are so many children alive in this world without parents, and they come in all ages. You are so stuck on this "beauty of life" blindfold that you cannot see why killing a fetus and using birth control can in some cases be moral.
@umbuttocks250 What would you classify a pre-born child as if it is not a human (Homo sapiens)? Even though there are many people in the foster care system, this does not mean that another child should not have the chance to have a beautiful life. Even if you believe that a pre-born child is not a human, why not give them the chance to develop and have a life outside the womb. The organizations I was speaking of do not support abortion or birth control. Yes, there are some that do, but there are also plenty of organizations who believe in caring for the whole woman including her ability to give life in the future, which birth control diminishes. Parenting may be more expensive in the long run, but adoption is not. There are MANY people who cannot have children, and they WANT to have a child and this abortion is taking this opportunity away from them.