We were shopping just niw before the movie and I got a new hoodie and Two T-shirts
One is a spidey one and the other one is a deadpool one :)
So that's cool
Anyway I'm going to watch the movie in a bit yayy!!
I know it's like 2 am and no one cares but I'm watching black widow today!!!!
And before that we're one of my fav fods and after we're eating Sushi so it'll be a good day
Anyway I should go to sleep
I just finished watching young royals on netflix
And like I started it today but who cares that's not the point
The point is that
You can't- You just can't end it like that!
I need to know how it ends now or at least this month
I'm very impatient I know
Anyway sorry for the rant but.... yeah
Also I had to sleep in the same bed with my two cousins and today I have finally convinced my younger sister to let me sleep in the bed she's been sleeping in
So today instead of doing the normal thing and sleeping cause I finally could I will be staying up all night (lol I started singing it in my head) reading gay shit to help me recover from the ending of Young Royals
I'm the best I know
Have a good day/night/rest of the week!