
Hey! I just uploaded a short story! I'd appreciate it if you checked it out! Let me know what you think, eh? Thanks && have a great day!


Coke is red ❤Pepsi is blue You're an epic friend that'swhyI talk to you ^.^ You're an awesome friend and If I don't get this back well than bye Send this to ten friends if you get 5 back than you are a true friend✔✔✔✔✔ 
          My sister! Love you so much kitty. And you will go to prom! If I drag you there personally.


♥ Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in 2014 including me if you care. Try to collect 12 it's not easy! You have 20 minutes to see what happens in 30 minutes! Be honest and send this to everyone who made you smile this year
          Kitty! You turn 18 tomorrow!