
Barnes and Noble could suck me dry and I wouldn't give a fudge cake. It is life along with Hot-Topic and Earthbound. I would sell my soul to be able to shop here free for the rest of my life. Hell, they could just take it.
          	I'm well over $100. 
          	I found a Marauders Map and a Wizard Chess Set. 
          	Because, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." 


Barnes and Noble could suck me dry and I wouldn't give a fudge cake. It is life along with Hot-Topic and Earthbound. I would sell my soul to be able to shop here free for the rest of my life. Hell, they could just take it.
          I'm well over $100. 
          I found a Marauders Map and a Wizard Chess Set. 
          Because, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." 


Yo guys, I updated Chapter 4 of Wolfe Next Door. I know I've barely updated at all in many many many months. I apologize for that but there was nothing I could do. I hit one of my biggest writers block that I've had in a long time. I'm trying to focus all my work on WND. 
          Know that updates still will be farther between but I'm trying to get better now that my block is gone. If you're still reading then my respect goes out to you, you Trooper.
          Hope that you guys have enjoyed your vacation's and holiday's here lately. 
          Loves Kamal S.W.


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As of late I know I haven't really been on much at all. I haven't really updated in months and I apologize for anyone out there reading any of my works. I am in high school now. I've realized a few somethings... I HAVE DREAMS AND I CAN'T FUCK MYSELF!!! Seriously though. I am mainly trying to put effort into my studies. I want to go abroad later in life and hopefully acquire two more nationalities/citizenship's for myself. (Anybody got any tips on where to or where not to go?) 
          Anyways I hope to have up to about Chapter 20 of Wolfe previously Wolfe Next Door edited by this time next year. So that's probably about the time I'll start updating regularly again. As for anything else I'll take requests on what to keep up and work on. Whatever gets the most requests will have a better chance of higher priority. Just comment on my profile or PM me. 
          Loves, Kamal S.W.


@animecatsarebae Thanks for the follow Dear! I shall follow you because I'm in a good mood :D


this message may be offensive
So Lovelies, 
          Lemme break it down for you. I gotta update soon. I have a computer and everything and my flash drive stats attached to it half of the day. BUT, hear me out. Raise your hand if you have ever used Microsoft Word... raise 'em high. Well, so do I. I have a few chapters finished on a few and I'm editing a few things. I'm not spitting them out because of school but, that is besides my point. I use WORD for all of my documents. What type of computer do I have? I have a fucking CHROMEBOOK. THERE IS NO WORD ON IT! Okay, this bitch is for school only and it has restricted fucking everything. It can all be traced back to me. No, I can't just log on completely with my personal account because it is hooked up to the school's mainframe and you have to log in with their emails they set up for you. So in the aspect that I can't honestly and fully log onto my account well, I'm completely fucked. I love you all to death but, lets remember that the conversations I have with my friends when I temporarily log into my personal gmail on THEIR computer is bad enough. I'm only 15, like I already fucking cuss, flirt, and say provocative ish, I don't need a count of pornography added to that if they look to see what I'm doing. Let's admit, that is how they would take it and saying a few of my characters are under 18 make it child pornography. I DON'T NEED THAT ON MY RECORD. Maybe not pornography but, i will admit that alot of my works do get pretty graphic and I would get in trouble... most likely. You get my drift, don't you? Oh, and they blocked Wattpad but, I'm gonna see if I can get my friend Nova on that case to find me a decent proxy because Google translate ain't cutting it.
          I am editing Blood Bind. SO, I need a new name for that book. if you got any just comment below and tell me why you commented because my memory is terrible and I will ask if I can't figure it out. 
          I think that covers it all... I will update A.S.A.P. Give me a book name.
          Kamal S.W.


When you imprison a wild thing you do not break its spirit. You break its mind. Upon this event the animal will start deteriorating until you presume you have a thing of your ultimate creation. But that is a lie. It realizes this hell will not pass easily so as self preservation it locks itself up and lets a transformation take over. It quickly becomes a demon you perceive as a thing of your own. This demon though knows hell and is just going insane with the thought of staying. But reveles in your uncharged evil. Cautious as the wind it may seem but tempered as a flame. That is the mark of a Wild Thing. 


@xXDa_Big_TwoXx You tame it young so it knows no difference except the fear shoved into it. Uncontrollable fear, tempered rage, and a silent cry is what it may remember. If it's unlucky. Luck isn't something one comes by easily. The questions that wild thing asks though is 'Why change what you were born?' & 'Why hide what you've become?' A taste of wild and that animal will forever cling to it.