
L A T E S T 
          	We have our book up! You can go check it out! Please excuse,the cover,I know it's bad. xD We will be answering questions! 


Being lgbt+ as a christian is absoloutely wrong, right ?


Sorry that was so long I didn't even mean to write that much XDXD


Well depends on the circumstances honestly. Everyone who is a Christian isn't perfect: no one is.  But we strive to do what the Bible says and we slip up sometimes and God definitely knows that, he created us besides. Like for example, someone might have a problem stealing which is wrong in the Bible. Doesn't mean they aren't Christian but the key is that they are putting there best effort to change their ways w/ God's help. People I guess tend to forget that God does forgive, he's forever merciful, but if one constantly does the same thing over and over and doesn't even try to change their ways (like the stealing for example) and say "Oh I'll just take this, God will forgive me anyway." then that would be considered taking advantage. But just because someone is LGBT and it's against God's word does in no way give anyone the right to be rude or evil towards them. 


^~^ I want to say something.. Social media and modern society has made it seem like everybody needs to be perfect and makes people (including myself) think that they need to be just like everyone else. That they need to be the strawberry flavored skittle in the bag of skittles. Because most people's favorite skittle is the strawberry one. But in all honesty we all need to be unique and different. What fun is it to open a bag of skittles to find that the whole thing is just all the same flavor?  It's so much better when the bag of candy has different flavors. We all need to realize that Heavenly Father made us to be unique and different from other people. Not so that we're outcasts according to some people, but because our individual personalities and gifts can help people in ways that are completely overlooked these days. Maybe some people say that you as the bright yellow skittle is too happy and they call you annoying.. But your bright smile could brighten someone's day. You've probably all heard the saying that a smile can brighten someone's day or even life and maybe you think it's dumb to believe that a single smile can make someone else happy. Believe me it does. I have and still do stuffer from depression and there are times when I feel like I'm just falling down an endless pit feeling emotional, yet lifeless. And a stranger sends me a genuine smile. And suddenly I feel as if I've been pulled out of that pit. Each "skittle" has its own personality and talents that can make a difference in someone's life. Us as Admins feel that the world and social media need to remember to have faith and realize that God loves us and he made us all so unique and special in our own ways. Be you. Smile at the world around you and be the amazing and flavorful skittle that you are and help others on their way back to Heavenly Father. :) Thank you for taking the time to read this message, I hope you'll be able to take what has been said to heart. 


I love this account, great message


Hello guys! I just wanted to let you guys know the latest for Project #FightForFaith,we are putting up our book,sooon! We've got thing sorted out,now! We were having internet struggles,but it's all good now! If you have any questions about us,please let us know! If you can't contact us on this account,contact us on our admin accounts! We will answer on which ever as quickly as possible! Or if we can! Help us get the word out that we are officially running! Also,I don't know if anyone has noticed our bio,but we now officially have our sticker up! Add it on your stories that have to do with faith,and dedicate a chapter to is and we will add it on our reading lists! We don't know right now if we are going to have a banner,yet or not,but we will let you know when it's sorted out and if we will have one,when it's up and the link. If you are having link problems,please contact us! We will help you! ^.^