Being lgbt+ as a christian is absoloutely wrong, right ?

Well depends on the circumstances honestly. Everyone who is a Christian isn't perfect: no one is. But we strive to do what the Bible says and we slip up sometimes and God definitely knows that, he created us besides. Like for example, someone might have a problem stealing which is wrong in the Bible. Doesn't mean they aren't Christian but the key is that they are putting there best effort to change their ways w/ God's help. People I guess tend to forget that God does forgive, he's forever merciful, but if one constantly does the same thing over and over and doesn't even try to change their ways (like the stealing for example) and say "Oh I'll just take this, God will forgive me anyway." then that would be considered taking advantage. But just because someone is LGBT and it's against God's word does in no way give anyone the right to be rude or evil towards them.