Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you for following my page, 'Project Happy Endings'. I know we are a few right now, but with your support and participation, I hope we become a sensation and THE one stop for all happy endings lovers.
I have received about fifteen applications for admins, and I'm very pleased with the forms. It's tough work, so please co-operate as I work for the results. I will be sending a private message to those who are selected, and please remember that I can't do it in a day. To those who have already received it, congratulations! It is now your duty to help me broadcast this page. Inform your followers about it, your friends you think might be interested.
As for those who have applied and have not received a message yet, I'm still going through the applications. Please bear with me.
We'll be starting with the reading lists and the competitions very soon from now, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I will.
(I'm still looking for a graphic designer. Please apply if you want to be one!)