
Hello, beautiful people! Although we've been gone for a couple of weeks, we're ready and excited to filter and read all these new stories that have been tagged with #ProjectRealMen
          	Also, we're 63 Wattpadders strong! *Throws confetti* There's not long now before we reach a hundred. Can you all help us reach that goal under this week? 
          	Anyone who does help us will be given a shoutout from this profile, and from @ThatGreyGirl 
          	What are you waiting for? Get your gears started and tag as many people as you can, here! 


Hello, beautiful people! Although we've been gone for a couple of weeks, we're ready and excited to filter and read all these new stories that have been tagged with #ProjectRealMen
          Also, we're 63 Wattpadders strong! *Throws confetti* There's not long now before we reach a hundred. Can you all help us reach that goal under this week? 
          Anyone who does help us will be given a shoutout from this profile, and from @ThatGreyGirl 
          What are you waiting for? Get your gears started and tag as many people as you can, here! 


Thanks for adding my three stories to the other genres list!


@BloodyTurtle You're welcome. Thank you for your generous support to our project. :) 


gosh, I love the idea of this campaign. as someone who knows many, many boys & men who are goofy and funny and absolutely amazing.. this campaign is just great ❤️


@strangerkitties Thank you so much! We are so darn excited to see that we have a new supporter. ❤ Also, goofy and funny are the best kinda guys! (Well, at least for me xD)
            -- Savannah


I'm in love with the idea of this campaign! it's so sweet! (did someone draw the pictures on the covers because those are realllly good) (IS THAT CHAINSMOKERS ON THE HEADER)


            Your support for the campaign is very much appreciated :)  your can contribute as well, if you feel that you have a book that fits any of the category. 
            I belive so that the pictures are drawn, but I am not sure.  And yes, it's chainsmokers on the header. ;)


Such a great news! We've got another amazing admin for our profile. We'd like to heartily welcome *throws confetti* @ximfaex to the team! 
          Gayathri is the writer of Flaws and Love, A Power of Ice and Fire, and Star Showers. She also makes pretty graphics on the graphic shop on her profile. Be sure to check her out because I'm sure you won't regret it! Also, have you tagged your story with @ProjectRealMen yet? 
          If not, now's the right time! ;) Have a wonderful Tuesday! (:   


@ProjectRealMen Thank you so much! ♥♥ Awe


Hola, folks! Today, we're delighted to announce that we've got our first admin for our project. Please welcome, *drumroll* @spellrox to the team! Her book, The Date, is a featured story on the official Wattpad Short Story profile, so you're free to read her work, today and anytime you like. 
          With her on board, you can hope that your books will be added to the reading lists earlier than the time we originally took (oops). 
          Also, on a different note, we're starting a new reading list called "Real Men in Other Genre(s)" for books featuring RealMen themes in any genre other than Romance/ChickLit/Teen Fiction. So, tag away even if your story doesn't fit in the above categories. We'll be adding you to our new reading list. (: 
          Happy Monday! 


            thank you all for the warm welcome~ ❤