Rape [/rāp/] noun; the crime of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will.

People have come to know the brunt of this term, they've been educated...but have they been educated enough? Rape isn't a joke. It never was and never would be. Yet still, a vast majority of this world's population believe it's hardly a serious matter. Why? Because it's common in so many cultures that people just dismiss it as a norm.

This profile is dedicated to addressing the long-term effects a victim of rape may be vulnerable to, as well as how to prevent such cases from reoccurring.

Always remember, you're never alone.

If you would like to support this movement in your work, just add the tag #ProjectSpeakNow and I will add the book to the profile's main reading list.

admin | @perplexions
  • Wattpad
  • JoinedDecember 19, 2017


Last Message
ProjectSpeakNow ProjectSpeakNow Oct 18, 2018 03:41AM
Hey guys!It's been a while since I've made an announcement but I've decided to start a new movement called Project Speak Now and I'd love if you all could help me promote it. I believe it's a very i...
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