
We are no longer going to be active. If you need help please go to our bio and look at our affiliates. They will help you, remember that you aren't alone 


@Project_Okay Take care of yourselves, okay? <3


this message may be offensive
Dear bullies,
          You know that boy you pushed over earlier?
          He committed suicide last night
          That girl you called fat?
          She's starving herself.
          And the boy you teased for crying?
          His mother died.
          You know the man you made fun of for his scars?
          He fought for your country.
          The girl you called a slut because she was pregnant?
          She was raped.
          The man you stole that leather pouch off?
          He's homeless.
          That girl you call dumb?
          She has dyslexia.
          That child you said was retarded for being in a wheelchair?
          He risked his life for a four year old.
          The boy you called lame?
          He works everyday to support his family.
          That girl you pushed down the other day?
          She's already being abused at home.
          And everyone else you've even mean to?
          You either hurt them really bad or you have ruined their life. 
          Please care


                       If we are speaking to you please do not text as if it's a roleplay. Example: *sobs*, B-B-But, *frowns* 
                      It feels like you're messing around and it's hard to take you serious when you do this. It confuses us and it's also feels incredibly insensitive. Especially if you make it seem like you are stuttering over text, it feels like you think stuttering is cool or some sort of trend and that is not okay.