Not much to tell. Im a huge fangirl, obsessive and loyal. My zodiac is a Leo. Im not much into fashion, but I would wear converse any day. I am sporty, competitive and a total geek. My fave music is 5SOS and MKTO. PJO, HOO, HP, LOTR any day. I go to Boston Latin School and am ___ years old (lol nope). 
I will always be thier for my friends and family even if I dont know you. I forgive easily but I never forget a single word. I make friends easy due to the favt that I blend in pretty well.
I am a feminist.
Im a whiz with latin and anything myth. Logic is my weapon and I have never gotten in a phisical fight. I know how to talk my way out, with cleverness or end up confusing you with big foreign words. Im no simple damsel and if you think you know me, you are dead wrong. I look like Hazel Levesque, act like Leo and think like Annabeth. I will never leave you behind or hurt you. I love you all.
My hobbies include looking in the mirror, reading, music, and drawing.
Peace out Beautiful Wierdos
L.A out.
  • JoinedJanuary 24, 2015