
Ch 13 of Debt of Skin is ready to go for y’all!! :)


As I’ve gotten older, my chapter lengths now average about double the amount they used to. I don’t know how this happened, but it makes me happy. I feel like it’s a sign that I’ve gotten a lot better at writing.
          Idk how many of you have been around for a long time, but if you have I hope you see these improvements! Anyway, that’s all. I just wanted to share this happy thought :) 


@Promise_Me_Hope oops I didn't see it was "clubs"
            Honestly no reason. That question popped in my head and I asked. But since you've had an experience, what does it feel like? Violin, cello and ukulele give me royalty vibes. It's like someone is sitting in a grand space, playing - fully immersed in the beauty of their creation.
            Also, you make art in different forms - that's beautiful :D
            Well, gotta read the new chap!
            Adios <3


@mariahart97 this was fun to read. Honestly, I don’t blame you for not finishing my novels. Jack of Clubs is my most popular, so it’s definitely that one that you came across! I originally wrote it about five years ago now when I was only fourteen, but started rewriting it sometime last year. It’s been on hiatus for a long time now. So I understand what you mean about ongoing novels. 
            I’m glad you gave Debt of Skin a chance, I feel very honored that you did. And I think it’s a fun coincidence that you were into danmei at the same time I started that, since it’s so heavily inspired by a lot of danmei I’ve read. 
            I don’t play any instruments. I used to play violin a long time ago, but I ended up quitting due to some things going on at the time. I would love to learn how to play guitar though. Why do you ask? 
            Thank you and I hope you’re having a good day/night as well! <3


            TLDR You have really good stuff!! And I'm sure it has been a journey for you.
            PS. I hated reading ongoing books. You have to wait for months and years and it's like you're already 3 years older and the book hasn't completed yet. 
            But it's also a good experience I guess. Sharing your thoughts and stuff. You don't get that with completed books iykwim.
            Yeah, I guess I'm done now.
            Good day! Or night. <3


Thank you for a thousand reads on Debt of Skin! You all have been so kind, so I want to give a special thank you to everyone who’s been commenting, voting, or simply reading! I know that the slight shift in genre is not expected of me, so the people who are choosing to read regardless really mean a lot to me! 
          I was so worried that everyone would think it was stupid and wouldn’t want to read if I didn’t just write high school realistic fiction novels for the rest of my life. But you have already proved me so wrong!!
          Big hugs :)) <3


Also I hope everyone likes the new cover for Debt of Skin. The og one was supposed to be temporary, so I hope this one is better!


@mariahart97 I’m glad you were so moved by the cover!! And I promise they will! <33


@Promise_Me_Hope IDK whats so specific about the new cover but I'm tearing up over it. Yknow, vibes!!
            I just know, they are going to fall hard for each other. Bad bad harder.