For the future, if you see a message from the account of the Promising Pages Community in private chat it's because it's important. Do not ignore it:
I have sent messages to all the previous winners, including some of my administrators, but the majority has just ignored my question (in the text I ask you to answer some questions, very simple).
I am not that happy about it, because many are active here on Discord, but I don't know why they just ignored the Community account on Wattpad. I have been waiting for days but no answer from many, even though some have been active on Wattpad these days.
I will keep my word, after these weeks, the previous winners who did not answer will not have the review feature.
Again, for the future, I ask you NOT to ignore my message.
I took effort and time to make sure that you have the best experience. I decided to change the Reading Week to make it more useful and gratifying for all of you. I spent the whole week writing here and there in order to make sure that everything was clear, that everyone knew of these new features, then I spent many hours writing down, organizing the winners' data to help the reviewers and editing the Community books.
The minimun you can do is to read the messages and answer, if I ask you to do it.
But yes, I won't bother to take the effort to inform everyone if there will be any kind of changes in the future or whatever.
Thank you for reading.