1day wen pilo waz uzin da toylet he axedentallly fartes on hiz mom. Den MESSSSIII cam owt of nowere and sed " yo dud. Y did u just fart on ur mom?" Den pilo sed "ups! I didnt no that my mom waz der." Anyways pilo wanted tu travle the worls. So he paked a sutcas and put hiz cloths in it. Den a dud namd gizmo sed "wut r u doin with that sutcas pilo?" Den pilo began tu laf. "U want tu no wut imma do with thes sutcas? IMMA KIL U WITH IT GUZMO!!" Den gizmo screm. He didnt wanna dye. Den MESSSSII cam in and sed "RUN GIZMO!!" Den gizmo began tu run fater. Den pilo stopd. Pilo waz in luv wit MEESSSSIII!!!! "MESSSSSSI I LUV U LIK MEH BOX." den MESSSIII waz offened . he used "how culd u lik box and nut soker?" MESSSIII waz mat at pilo.
him? ヾ(´▽`)ಠoಠ(;Д;)(._.)