this message may be offensive
Rant alert lol
Ok so, let’s talk about shipping real people. Firstly, I wanna say that I can’t stand heteronormativity. I wanted to specify that bc it actually has a big impact in this subject. How u say? Easy. Now imagine a girl and a boy who are just friends on social media but people can’t seem keep their heteronormative fantasy in themselves. For example, they’d comment shit like “omg u guys look so good together, u both should date each other ” in literally EVERY post and think that it’s completely respectable and a good, harmless thing to do. Ok, I’m not saying shipping real people is harmful BUT what I’m trying to say is that what wrong is when u drown them in ur shit and force them into a relationship. And if the friendship was same sex they’d blame everyone who ships them and make them seem like the worst people on earth. So yeah, I’m so tired of these kind of assholes. And for the last part, even I ship a lot of people in the internet, and sometimes make shipping comments about them but I don’t do it like “omG Y’aLL sHoUlD fUCk” in every fucking video. And as for the final conclusion, ship whatever the fuck u want, even if it includes real people, just don’t force them.