
If you're wondering why I've been gone for a while it's because I've been hospitalised. I might be back to school in about a month, depending on how well I do in rehabilitation. I will probably be back to games, writing and other stuff in a week or so? Maybe sooner, we'll see.


If you're wondering why I've been gone for a while it's because I've been hospitalised. I might be back to school in about a month, depending on how well I do in rehabilitation. I will probably be back to games, writing and other stuff in a week or so? Maybe sooner, we'll see.


I know this is.... very late. But I should point out the reason for the decreased (nonexistent) updates is due to my IRL pressure not allowing me the time to update. It sucks, but for now Dreamland MMORPG: Sea Wolf is on hold while I work out everything in real life. After that, I might even publish a new story. But, that's later. For now, the story is still on hold.