
          	Yeah so, quick update guys!
          	I start my job today, the whole process for it took awhile. I'm thinking I'll probably wait to update Starbound until I get enough money to repair it.
          	That's really all I had to say, hope y'all have a good day


          Yeah so, quick update guys!
          I start my job today, the whole process for it took awhile. I'm thinking I'll probably wait to update Starbound until I get enough money to repair it.
          That's really all I had to say, hope y'all have a good day


Unfortunately the next update on Starbound may take awhile, as it seems I am once again having technical difficulties with my laptop.
          In better news, I have a job now, so hopefully I'll be able to either repair it or replace it.


I have no clue how many of you look at these, but I wanted to come out and apologize for the long wait between Starbound chapters. I've really fell out of writing recently for a few reasons, the biggest of which being my current mental state.
          I can't exactly promise I'm going to get back to work anytime soon, which is extremely unfortunate because the anniversary of Starbound is a month away, on October 11th (the same day Dragon Ball Sparking Zero releases).
          But to put it simply I may not be able to write for a while until I not only feel the urge to do so but I feel better about my mental state.
          So for now I will be putting Starbound on hiatus for real this time.


          So! To start, I've found a workaround for my laptop. I can use an HDMI to pair it with my TV.
          Additionally, the screen is the only issue. The internals of the laptop itself just need bent back into place.
          All in all I should be able to not only finish highschool but write 
          Expect an update to Starbound soon!


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Update to my last post.
          This is really hitting me hard mentally.
          I don't like to get super personal but writing these stories and working on OC sheets have been a pretty big escape from my stress within the last few weeks.
          And to suddenly lose my main outlet to work really REALLY hurts.
          Not only that but I'm 18, I've been looking for a job for 3 years, and have gotten NO WHERE.
          I've been the closest ever as of a week ago, and I haven't heard shit back since my interview for a number of infuriating reasons.
          All in all this has been a major hit to my mental health and I don't wanna be a bitch and cry over a broken laptop but I just might 


this message may be offensive
Hey y'all, I got a heavy announcement to make
          I can no longer continue on Starbound or any of my stories for the time being
          I don't know what happened but my laptop is fucked.
          I mean like dented in the middle and broken screen
          And I have no money for a new one or repairs.


this message may be offensive
Quick announcement! 
          Imma keep it a buck with you all, I've got a 30+ page google doc for just Dior, and while I'd love to hold of Starbound until the rest of Team DARK has the same treatment. That's going to take a while.
          So instead I've decided to effective immediately say fuck it we ball, and just write whatever whenever like I originally planned to and update each story whenever the chapter is done.
          Sorry for the more casual tone this time around, I'm super hyperfocused on my writing right now and to once again keep it 100 with you all it takes brain power for me to be able to do allat 
          Cya later


Hey all! I'd like to apologize for the extreme delay between chapters of Starbound.
           I'm about 25-50% through with the next chapter and to be fully honest I may end up splitting it into two parts. 
          However due to both personal and creative reasons it's taken longer to make the next chapter. It's been just over a month since I've posted chapter 5 and I've been bombarded with school, sickness, familial issues, and job searching.
          Additionally I keep coming up with ideas for the future of this doc as well as other personal OCs of mine and that had taken up the majority of my creative energy at the moment. 
          I appreciate your patience and understanding 
          Stay safe.
          As always, ProximaStorm