
9, only 9 followers, sorry!!


Em... Hi, I know I said my novel was going to be up today but my week didn't go as planed. So it's going to be really late, sorry! But I will give you the name on the story so you can get at taste on what it's about. The name on my story it's  'The toy with a broken boy'. I don't think you would care because I only have like 11 followers but for those who does I'm going to update everything I have to say about a new story or so! ^^


Greetings my dear followers and none followers! I just wanted to update you that my first novel is on its way out. I think it will be out in like next 3-4 days or maybe even today. I just wanted to update you about this, but I don't think you'd care anyway, hehe.


Jag kommer att göra en hel del sättnings uppdateringar. Ni har säkert märkt att det behövs, he he... Sorry för att det tar långtid att ge er nya kapitel!!
          Men jag är tacksam för att visa av er läser och kommer alltid att vara.