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Me, wanting to work on my book: The ten different late assignments I haven't done: "Allow us to introduce ourselves"

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Me, wanting to work on my book: The ten different late assignments I haven't done: "Allow us to introduce ourselves"

Your description is what I lucid dream about

ayo its me kookie

Um so recent streams- I don't really know what to say. uhhh- Let's recount my thoughts on the SMP in the past days from most recent to least, all before the streams: "You know, I kinda agree with the rest of the people, the story's getting a bit dry, schlatt's a great villain but nobody's on his side. the other side's too strong, we need to balance the odds. even if a traitor arose, it wouldn't be enough. no, we need another villain. someone shocking. someone who'll rock the ground. someone good at acting. someone who streams often. we need someone with allies. we need a fallen hero. WE NEED- Wilbur Soot's Sociopathic Pest Control! God that'd be so great as a plot- but it'll never happen, so I'm fine to just settle for anyone honestly, the plot's okay as it is." "If I were in Wilbur's position, honestly, why keep trying? They've lost. Even if they to to war, even if they win or lose, it's still a loss overall. It's a zero-sum game. And you know what I do best in zero-sum games? That's right- destroy everything I can in a last-ditch suicide mission." I'm not even kidding here, these were my thoughts exactly- I can't bloody well believe it- I-is this really happening? It's happening! My prayers have been answered- It's literally everything I ever wanted and more- and it's even better (or worse, i guess) than I thought it would be.

@HappySpaceCat1 im just completely caught by surprise cause its- he's literally doing my exact thoughts so perfectly, its scary. its so awfully perfect, like being on the cloud 9 of hell- and as an expert in the field of suicide runs, i can confirm that the feeling before is definitely hella good- just knowing exactly what you're going to do- certainty. it can become quite addicting- well, lets hope it doesn't come to that.

You know, the idea for my AU quite literally came from a dream I had. Where George, Sapnap and Bad were chasing Dream through this 1920s-1940s era hotel to stop him from finding either a watch or a key before the others. Then one of them was in the lead, chasing Dream, down the stairwell, then I realized it was me, and then I dove to get the keys on the table at the edge of the stairwell before Dream could but I forgot that real life isn't a minecraft and you don’t pick up items by getting near them and you have to stop and lean over to pick them up, so fell down and I tried to get up, and I looked up to see Dream over me with a gun, and then- I woke up. Easily one of the best dreams I ever had. 11/10 would dream again. Dream is literally invading my dreams oh god.

@Pruinae_Flamma Here's my predicted WWIII format. Speedrunner versus 7 Billion hunters.

@Pooptato1341 not as scary as you'd think, a lot less scary than the dream where i actually got shot and watched myself bleed out until i woke up. and the only reason that was scary is because i wasn't scared at all. this one was just kinda suspenseful, like a cliff-hanger that's not getting a sequel. i want 2020 to be the sequel. make it happen guys. sub to dream and let his army grow.

@Pruinae_Flamma I don't even know what to reply with, that ending sounds scary owo' Also, *Wheeeeeze* I mean, I've definitely at least had one dream about Dream as well. Not gonna lie, that'd be a pretty co.ol way to end 2020 and possibly the world X3

hehehe 31 votes niiiice

h e l l o i a m f o r g e t w r i t e ? m a y h a p s h a l p

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Okay I just recently watched the streams and I couldn't stop thinking about them. I know it's not completely accurate, it's just kinda poetic doomer thoughts about it might end. Everything is against them, everyone. At this point, the only way to truly win is to turn people. I just keep thinking. What are they fighting for anymore? Everything is gone. Winning won't bring it back. War gains them nothing but vengeance and death. (though realistically, they probably won't let the story go that dark) lmao the story is so fucking amazing how the hell did this even happen on an SMP? It just gives me major writing viiiibes. Anyway. I made a thing. Cause inspiration, you know? "And a single hand was raised above the yawning red horizon, a ragged and burning flag clutched in wild desperation. The sleeve of some long-forgotten military uniform flew, shredded, from the arm, the stains of blood, war and loss still ever fresh as the layers of old crumbled away. It stood with defiance, with hope when all is lost, but within it there was something nervous, something desperate, something broken and lost. The ruins around the flag answered for it. For as the red sun set on the horizon, and the chains of tyranny had been broken, there was nothing left. Nothing to rebuild. And the desperate found that they were left with less than they started. Everything was gone. Everyone. No enemies, no allies. Just freedom. And as the flag fluttered above the bloody sky, the liberator looked upon their wretched doing and simply thought to themselves: Was it worth it?"

@tnttrin yeah that's one of my favourites too, i like, could hear it in my mind, like a speech.

@Pruinae_Flamma That is sooo good, my favorite line was "It stood with defiance, with hope when all is lost, but within it there was something nervous, something desperate, something broken and lost" it just was like ooo *chills*