
Likely going to switch to for the private messages. 
          	Probably gonna look here anyway.
          	But I dont get any interaction here either way so I suppose it doesnt matter anyway.


(rant post)
          I dont know if my feelings are valid or exaggerated, I feel like they are totally validated but I am scared to be called woke or a snowflake.
          However, I watched the first with a friend of mine today and I begged for it tp end. I couldn't stand it. I could only think about how thats NOT Norse mythology. I felt deep dislike and...perhaps some offense towards the portrayal. 
          I totally dont mind Thor movies which are looser from using mythology. Thor: Ragnarök was quite good although it also causes some heartburns because it focuses less on alienating (literally) Norse mythology.
          But I watched Thor 1 and I couldnt help but feel horrible because of how its placed in...well...Marvel context. 
          Now the movie itself is okay to watch if I sever connectiom to Norse paganism so its not direct critique to the movie (I just rant, its not a movie critic) but god I never felt so bothered with something spiritual.


//If you like Symphonic Metal I recommend the band Metascope to you!
          Its a German band doing German music with a female lead singer (soprano) and its absolutely gorgeous! (They also have a male singer singing along)
          They released their first album Opus Secretus yesterday with five absolutely great songs! 
          (this is not paid btw because it sure sounds like it xD I genuinely like their music and Id like to push their popularity a bit.)


((Currently very sick so replies may be slow
          (Had migraines for about 48 hours, no clue if they return but I am still very sick with nausea and dizziness)


            ((All good its better now! My hopes werent high for today but I feel fine!


I'm sorry D:


I'm super bored. Anyone wanna roleplay?


            ((Thats fine :3
            Your English sounds great so Im sure youd be really good! 
            (besides, if you forget a word or so I can look it up! I struggle finding translations to German words all the time and then I end up just typinh the German word-. 
            (and I should practice Italian anyway..))


            ((Thats fine! Whenever you feel ready :3


@ Prussia__  I would but I'm Italian, Idk how good I could be at role-playing in English 