@Dipper Hey, sorry for being gone for so long and not updating. I've been pretty busy, with school and family and stuff, but I promise to try and update soon. And I haven't had a chance to read your story 'Servant of Death' yet, but I'm gonna try either tonight or tomorow! PROMISE!! And thanks so much for the support! I was actually hoping to watch the Wolverine origins movie eventually, I just haven't been able to find it, though I'm sure my local library has a copy. Gambit is one of my favorites, and I was debating starting a story on Fanfiction.net about if he ahd a daughter, and he was the only one left to take care of her because her mom died. I'm just woried it would be too much like 'Demitri' because the main character, the daughter, would probably end up being a lot like Cleo personality-wise. I don't know, whatevs. Thanks again!