For some reason, none of the admins on our account are able to publish. Cookie dough can't even open the chapters, and whenever I try to publish, it gives me an error message. Does anyone know how to fix this?
- Trash
@WhirlPool- Thanks ;). None of us are really committing to wattpad, so I might be posting every couple weeks or so. Again, thank you for the really nice comment! (Probably not about my art) :D
-Cookie Dough
For some reason, none of the admins on our account are able to publish. Cookie dough can't even open the chapters, and whenever I try to publish, it gives me an error message. Does anyone know how to fix this?
- Trash
Is there a specific admin you want to see more art from?
Also, hopefully, the seventh day will be posted today, one admin hasn't given us their drawing yet.
Hmm I'm not sure. I know you draw humans and I like what I see so far but since I haven't seen much from you I'm not sure. So there's not he specific I want to see.