
I have a grand budget of 2 dollars and endless support, so can someone please make more McPriceley stuff I'll pay them with all I have left 


Yooooo, are you on Musescore? Cuz I saw you on there under the same username. Btw, I liked your arrangement of various RvB songs, and I'm also an *aspiring* arranger/composer .


Yeah, it's the same me! It should have Tucker as my profile picture instead though. I'm not even CLOSE to anything professional, I'm actually taking my first theory class this semester so don't look to me for guidance, I'm just as lost! What's your account though? I'd love to see your stuff!


Lemme just say that I love u and ur stories and whenever I see that you've updated one of them it makes my day a million times better (=^ェ^=)
          (Here have wash and Tucker's cat)


Thank you so much! I know I haven't updated frequently, but it means so much that you're taking your time to say this! Also, dat cat is adORABLE :3