
Something new coming with a self drawn cover ~OwO~
          	-JPsychia 2019_23:52


UPDATE: Shattered Memories
          HURRAH EXAMS FINALLY OVER!!!! Dude, that took two and a half week to finish... 
          So, next update is on 21 October 2017. TWO DAYS BEFORE I GO OVERSEAS ON A TRIP WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Update: November (new)
          So, I will be continuing writing on the end of October now. Since that's when exams are OVER! YES, OVER. And by that time I will be having just a few school activities and that's for this year! 
          I promise there will be a big update on the stories and new stories too!


Update: November
          Dang, it's August already? Exams coming up already.... <*sigh*>
          So. My exams are coming up... for a week and my grade-7 year is almost at an end. Finals are coming up soon and I have no more time for any of my hobbies and such so... maybe I'll be free again on Nov... maybe... probably not. Obviously . 
          Conclusion: wrote nothing during the whole 4 months. Didn't draw for like months. Dk how to draw alrdy. 
          I hate high school.... people don't see me. Getting notice in the worst situations... 


Update: Apology from JoeJoe
          *sigh* Promise is a promise, why broke it? Trying keep it but broke it instead. I'm a failure...
          So... Yea, I didn't keep my promise. MA BAAAAAD... I was supposed to upload my stories last year, but things changed my schedule and it literally just made me have no time for this. I've tried to organize my time but it turns out, I've been wasting my time on my phone rather than having some of my time writing. (Well that sucks) Um... Now I'm just lying on my bed... Because I'm sick... And I can't even put my finger on the keyboard and type this thing, it's so hard and my head is killing me :( I don't want to disappoint y'all, so next update will be in May or June (after my mid-term exam) 
          Quick note: Don't expect me to keep the promise, I will break it eventually :(
          S.O.R.R.Y!! It's all my fault for keeping y'all waiting!