
That moment when me, the Ranpo cosplayer in the group, are people’s con emergency contact and main driver


          You know you're a tradesperson when you're working in the shop and your coworker cuts himself on his brand new knife and I ask him if he needs a bandaid, says no, proceeds to fail at the task so he gets up and disappears and then reappears with a paper towel duct taped to his finger and go back to work.
          ✨✨Men in the trades✨✨


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I just spent dinner having my parents trying to convince me to Fifty Shades of Gray my writings.
          And by that I mean, change a few things like names and shit and publish them for real like Fifty Shades of Gray did to Twilight.
          If I cave to my parents' ridiculousness and published my works for real, 1) would you guys actually be interested and 2) which ones would y'all wanna see get published


@chaengsnow I look forward to it!


@PsychoBootyShorts well i am planning on publishing my book 'when she disappeared' my mom has a friend who can publish it for me (she's an author herself) all i have to do is change it a bit since it's pretty short (and bad) but i'm not sure how. Anyway, if i ever do finish and publish it I'll make sure to get you a signed copy cause why not? (my mom wants to give my principal a signed copy since she thinks that I'm stupid and can't do stuff like that only cause i have autism lmao)


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It's funny to me how much I utterly despise and dread being social
          But then am also the first one to start chatting to people in many cases
          It's where my introvertedness hits my ADHD
          "Fuck you for being a new person but you won't be for much longer as I info dump and get attached to you within 15 minutes"


Sooooo uh follow up to my last announcement talking about the Kumoricon fanfiction events, I unintentionally met a reader and befriended them lmao, guess I might as well just accept that I'm gonna end up meeting my readers lmao
          In future, I guess, would you guys care about meeting me someday? Like I host a meetup, online or otherwise, as a fanfiction author or something?


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When and why did Kumoricon start offering shit for *fanfiction* or have I just never paid attention before?
          Would y'all even want to meet me in person? Actually no, the answer is a big no if yours is yes because I remember the angst I post and will post and would rather keep the struggling remains of my sanity.
          But also like, I fear the person who will actively share their own writing with people who are not friends in person.
          Do you have no fear?


Unrelated to my last post, I recently got a new car and I sit down with the saleswoman and she asked about my job. I explain I'm an RV technician. Later on, we are talking about warranty and she's about to try to convince me how important the warranty is for the seals and I just pause her right there with, "I work in RVs".
          The sigh of relief this woman gave when she realized I completely understand the pain of faulty sealants.
          Guys, for the sake of your car or RV salespeople, appreciate your sealants.
          Also like totally consider RVs as a field of work because apparently you get on salepeoples good sides that way lmao