this message may be offensive
Hey everybody . . . I just wanted to give a brief update/ I'm wanting you opinions, but when/how/where and if, should I come out to my family about being trans? And for those of you who didn't know this about me already . . . Surprise! I'm Samuael, and I'm a ftm transgender,and my pronouns are he/him/his. But if you want to give me your opinions you can direct message me. And I will absolutely ignore anything hateful or disrespectful towards me and my opinions/preferences, or I'll simply say "Fuck You" and leave it at that. But for anyone who wants to, direct message me their opinions or any advice, please feel free to do so. This is Samuael, signing off for now. I'll catch all you guys later! ~Samuael (P.S. - This is how I like to spell my name, so please don't hate on the way it's spelt!)