Huh. It's been a long time. Over two years now. So um, hi, I'm back. Just wanted to give a bit of an update since I've been working on a story for a while. Most of the details are already set up, so it's just a matter of setting up a time in which I'll finish writing it and when I'll publish it. I'll probably end up posting all of it here on Wattpad, I think.
One thing I wanted to say - I know what I used to do was fanfiction, which I took down back when I left. I'm sorry, but at the moment, I really enjoy the idea of focusing on this story. Not ruling out that I might revisit my old fanfictions someday, but I think I really want to see if I can, for once, finish a story. I never finished any story a wrote here before, so I'd like this to be the first.
It'll be mostly a bit of dystopia/fantasy with a twist; I mixed a lot of my ideas into a single storyline, so. I really can't find a more specific way to describe it. I've got class and I'm on mobile most of the time, so updates might be a bit slow, but I'll try to do, at mininum, one weekly. Haven't finished setting up the cover and I'm still a bit undecided about the title, so that is a bit preliminary, but tonight, I decided to publish the first chapter, mostly to give you a glimpse of what I've been writing.
Well, hope you like it. It's good to be back.