Yo, waddup stranger. So this must be weird to ask and you're prob like "this is a complete waste of time but strangely I'm compelled to keep reading," Well if you are still reading then good, I'm doing my job right. What is my job you ask? Well a friend of mine is starting this superb, no scratch that, innovatively, fantastic, and tasteful business that caters to those floating brilliant ideas in the back of your head that you've been meaning to sit down with a cup of Joe and write down but never seem to have the time to do. Pretty much in short, you give her a prompt that you think will be successful, which it will be because its your idea, duh; and she writes the story, filling in those pits and holes that you just don't have the time for. If you would like to know more, please just message me back because there's much more than just that! (Like how you'll get complete credit for writing it!!)

@ Pubs_of_NY I like and respect your job, but how did you find my Wattpad account and contact me ? I only wanna know that, please. (Sorry for my bad english)