
New Chapter of Flower of Soline Volume 2 is up!


Quick update:
          - working on really flushing out flower of soline (solidifying plot points and such). I want this book to be solid (plot points, story line, characters, everything). That being said I might re-edit a few things in the chapters already published. When I start publishing new chapters it’s because I completed writing an “arc” (I like to seperate my novels into arcs to make things easier for my mind.
          -flower of soline volume 1 is also being edited and changed due to some inconsistencies or plot holes, plot points needing to be flushed out, character development and so forth. So if u get updates for that, that’s why. 


@Pudding98 thank u for youre hard work! And happy belated valentines day! :D


Officially done with first semester of grad school!!! I got all A’s!! Yay!! 
          Now I have time to focus on writing. Currently I’m planning (using a new method ), storyboarding, writing, and editing for both my current stories and one that is brand new and developing rapidly. (The new book won’t be published for a while though as I want to make sure it’s fully flushed out before releasing it. ) I have the entire winter break to focus on writing, so expect a lot of updates come the new year!


@Pudding98 wahhhhh! Congratulations!


@Pudding98 congrats!!!!! :D


New chapter of Flower of Solone ch 4 is out! Im sorry for the long wait! I finally got a chance to work on it, edit it and such. I hope you like it!


@Pudding98 and thank you soooo much for continuing it 


            Can't wait for the next chapter I'm in love with this work it's my favorite ❤️


Just wanted to keep everyone updated! I officially have time to write! Yay!!!! I actually had to get a small group together in order to make time for writing, which is sad, but hey it’s working! So new chapters will start appearing this month! 
          That being said, I can’t stop myself from wanting to work on new novels as well, lol. So I might have 2 or 3 new novels being written on the side, so if those suddenly pop up that’s way, lol.


I hope you're doing okay author!! Congrats on your graduate school!\(^-^)/


@Pudding98 no rush!!! Take your time haha(⌒0⌒)/~~


I’m dying lol. This is a lot. I’m trying really hard to plan out time to write, but it’s so hard to find time  I’m going to try to write this weekend hopefully


Guys I started graduate school! I never thought I would be this busy  hopefully I can get a chapter to you guys this weekend.