
^ welp-
          	Imma work on Homestuck stories now-
          	I'll still have my other stories up just know-
          	I'm not going to update them-- ^


Umm, hey guys, I'm in need right now, if any of you guys could possibly let me borrow a short story from one of you for a English project I'm doing. I'm supposed to make a graphic novel either from a short story or a TV episode. I really need one of you to let me use a story, It'd help a FRICKING TON! Thank you.


I'm working on Chapters for Perfect Two, Sad Jeremike Moments and Another Story! So be up, maybe tomorrow? I'll TRY VERY hard to get them up, but I'm guessing it's going to take a while for each one, and it's about 11:30pm where I am rn. So yea...


Does anyone know a good horror book on here, without a psycho boyfriend? Or lover? Just some hauntings, ghosts or demons, I don't really care. As long as it has that creepy feeling while reading it! If anyone could recommend any books it will be greatly appreciated !