
Holiday greetings!
          	Things haven't been great but they have calmed down a little bit. 
          	I have written a few short stories & have a few chapters for Lover Boy, which I'm hoping to start updating after the holidays are over & I'm back down to normal working hours. 
          	I just quit my second job for health reasons, so I'm hoping to be able to get some rest & be able to be content. 
          	Things have been hard but thank you guys for being patient. 


welcome back been waiting for lover boy update please


Glad to hear from you- please take care- looking forward to updates and new stories 


Holiday greetings!
          Things haven't been great but they have calmed down a little bit. 
          I have written a few short stories & have a few chapters for Lover Boy, which I'm hoping to start updating after the holidays are over & I'm back down to normal working hours. 
          I just quit my second job for health reasons, so I'm hoping to be able to get some rest & be able to be content. 
          Things have been hard but thank you guys for being patient. 


welcome back been waiting for lover boy update please


Glad to hear from you- please take care- looking forward to updates and new stories 


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          Apologies for being MIA for so long. 
          I've been through hell, been sick as fuck & in just a ridiculous amount of pain, both physically, mentally & emotionally. 
          Next week will be the 3rd time I'm moving since being back here in TX. This move, so far, seems to be more in my favor, at least money wise. Where I'm currently living, I've been getting sick due to some contamination in the water, as well as not having money for food, gas for work or other items.
          I've spent most of my time off laying in bed crying from once thing or another, whether it be work or just me feeling pain physically, mentally or emotionally. 
          I hope once I get settled in, things will be calm for me & I'll be able to shift a bit of this heaviness that's been weighing on my shoulders & hopefully my mental state will improve. (My depression has me feeling so wilted...)
          I won't put a time as to when I'll get back to uploading. I've got so many ideas & I've been trying to write when I can but I usually end up unable to concentrate because my mind refuses to focus on the task at hand or I end up feeling too tired or end up passing out while trying to write. 
          I really need this move to work out...
          Thank you to those who've stuck with me. 
          I'll do my best!!!


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@Borahae7Souls OMG!!!! you dont fucking know how much i missed you unnie ❤❣
            i've been waiting and waiting for your response and i'm so glad your back...
            please be fine, i'll always be waiting.. idk why but i care abt u too much cuz' u feel like me big sister❤
            afterall.. be fine


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I just wanted to update you guys & let you know it may be a bit longer before I can update. 
          Things arent going well & I'm not fairing any better. 
          Despite how I seem, I'm not okay. 
          I am no where near being even in the near vicinity of being okay. 
          I am in the deepspace of not being okay.
          Everyday I struggle to hold myself together & everyday I fail.
          I am only still doing what little I am doing because I have something to take care of that doesn't judge me & doesn't make me feel like shit when I don't or can't make that 100% effort & even comforts me when I break down. 
          Yeah, it's a stupid cat, but it's my BABY & the only thing that's held me together past couple of years.
          I have been struggling for so long, I don't remember a time when I wasn't. I don't remember a time when I was genuinely happy or felt excited for anything. Things that used to bring comfort to me when I struggled, no longer do, I have no desire to go anywhere or do anything, I will literally just go a few days without eating because I just dont have the desire to eat & every time I wake up from what little sleep I can get, my only thought is why. 
          I am broken in more ways than I thought possible.
          I wonder if people actually knew how long I've been standing on that ledge, just waiting for the wind the shift just right to help me fall off, what would they say this time? 
          Knowing how people are, probably the same things they've been saying, since you have to care about someone to care about whether they're gonna stick around or not.
          I'm needing to find a place to stay soon & having only been working at this new place for a month, I can't afford anything & people who said they'd help me, arent. 
          I'm doing what I can, I promise. 
          I'm sorry for being so disappointing. 
          I don't wanna give this up... 
          Please wait for me. 
          Thank you. 


@Borahae7Souls hey, ik kinda late to reply but hey girl get up… I know how it fella to be that way and don’t worry things will surely get better for you… I’ll keep waiting for you as long as possible.. still waiting 


@Borahae7Souls Hey, I hope that things are getting better for you. I'm so sorry for the situation that you're in and for the feelings that you feel. Such a selfless person that keeps apologizing to us who are waiting for updates, when you are struggling every day. Put yourself first, we will be waiting for you when you decide to come back. Please, don' t forget that you have people who love you, some of them are here... And waiting to hear from you in any form


Life is such a struggle for so many these past few years. Take all the time you need, we will be here when you are able and ready. 


Greetings & salvation.
          I hope you all had a good holiday season. 
          I will be posting again within the next few months. 
          I've just been through a lot & couldn't do anything about my situation. I was sick for a while & homeless for a until recently.
          I am back in Texas now & have started a job & I'm trying to catch up on months of behind bills. 
          I'm hoping things look up soon but I don't have expectations that it will considering how my life has been the past year. 
          I'm sorry to those who thought I'd abandoned my stories. 
          I did not. I was just unable to write or post. 
          I'm going to wrap up Lover Boy soon & post more of the dark stories. 
          I'm struggling to pick another story to start after Lover Boy. 
          I may do a few short stories. I'll have to see how things end up. 
          I thank you all for your continued patience. 


@daytoncat Thank you, I truly appreciate your words. :) I'm hoping it is better too. Hope things are going well for you! :D


Happy to hear from you- I always worry when authors I follow disappear- hoping that 2024 is better for you 


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          My chromebook bit the dust months ago & I've been using my cell phone to write.
          But not that too has wrecked itself after an update. 
          (Keeps telling me my sim is not inserted. It is...)
          And since I am a broke as shit, I'm going to have to find a way to get another one but it may take me a while. I'm currently using an old phone & just by unlocking the screen, the battery percentage literally dropped 3%. (Meaning the old phone is ass & it also is too old to run my apps properly.)
          I am currently on my broken phone, using wifi to post this since I cannot access my mobile data. 
          This may put a longer wait for my next chapter, as I'll have to transfer all my notes & stories over to the new device. 
          I apologize for this & I hope you can continue to have patience with me while I attempt to fix this. 
          Thank you. 


@Borahae7Souls I'm so sorry. Just take all the time you need . Sort yourself out first 