Hey! Thank you for reading this message. I published a story recently and I think you might like it. It is about Jumin, a character from the game Mystic Messenger, and his relationship with the main character. I would be grateful if you took time to read. :)
By: @707hours ❤
I might start a new book! It's going to be of anime One Shots, Fluffs, Lemons, all that juicy stuff! If you check my board, those are animes I'm most familiar with, so you could get an idea of what I may be able to do. Don't hesitate to request!
Okay so for people confused. This is an update. If you type something on your board or conversation and click the “notify my followers” anybody who is following you will receive the message. It’s optional to give your followers the notification. Again this is not a glitch, if you have questions let me know.