
I'm so sorry for no updates! I've been very very busy and haven't had time


It's competition season! I'm most likely gonna forget to post chapters or won't have time, I'll be busy with practice so apologies if I don't post every Saturday you'll know why because these competitions are extremely tiring as I'm up a little too late. Plus the beta reader works constantly while making time for me and their own writing, and video recording, so they don't have time for art. We're busy people so we don't have the time as often. This won't happen with my next book as my next book won't have a posting schedule. Posting schedules are stressful for me so, add the pressure of sophomore year and people on my YouTube channel constantly asking when I'm going to post another video of me singing, the practice for my competitions, competitions going late at night, I also plan to get a job soon, keeping up my good grades, I have a lot on my plate... Too much. So please understand that as much as I'd love to post every Saturday I physically don't have the time.
          Thanks for listening 


Hey everyone, I just want to make this clear. Any non English languages are coming from Google translate, all Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Korean, French, ect, ect are being translated from English. So if stuff doesn't make full sense, it's because it isn't being written, it's being copied and pasted from Google translate. I don't know over 18 languages, I'm using Duolingo to learn Spanish while being in college Spanish 3 so that's the only language I'll end up not using Google translate for


Great news! The beta reader who is also the artist has given us art for the next few chapters! So no chapter delays for a little bit! Can't promise it'll stay like this, reminder that the beta reader/artist has a part time job and is a part time student and do their hardest to make time specifically for me. They're busy so pardon delays, I also forget to post sometimes ;-;