
Wow, I'm back after a long break, and I haven't even published anything! Heheh, that'll change~


Um...…..also fun fact: "PumpkintheDA" means "Pumpkin the Dutch Angel" or "Pumpkin the Dutch Angel Dragon". 
          (If I put 'DAD' it would look like Pumpkin the DDAADDDDD)
          Probably should one day actually make a profile picture once I get used to digital art..0


Hello! It's me, and I'm certainly not dead (kind of). I'm just here to apologize about the time I'm taking to write these. It's kind of my fault. But hey, prologue of Alternative II has made some great progress. Alternative II may not be the reason why it's called for what you're thinking. Also, I maybe thought of doing Alternative I shorts? But I'm not too sure just yet because I don't want characters stolen... It'll be the 'kid friendly version'. That's what I usually call it.


If you're reading this, well....I really dont know how you got here. I haven't really published my storys yet. But for the ones who happened to stumble upon this page, hello!
          Now, of course it won't stay empty. I am working on two books at the moment: A major one (Alternative II) and a side project (Alastor's Death (fanfictional)). They are both fanfiction, and are really fun to make.
          Alternative II will take the longest to create. Therefore I am only posting the prologue as a preview, and it will not be an updating story. The proluge will be posted then the whole rest of the story after a long, long while. This contains dark themes that some people may not like, but I am sure It won't be a big problem. I'd advise you not to check and beg on it every day. But..hey. It will be worth the wait...
          Now, for Alastor's Death (fanfictional), it will be an updating story. Keep in mind--just like it said in the title--it is probably not even close to the real death of Alastor, but it will a fun project that I'd like to share with everyone. Updates may not be that frequent (I am working on Alternative II and I have a life).
          Thank you for reading this. I hope you'll like what I can provide in the future.


Oh oh and by the way, I truly recommend checking out the song themes in Alternative II when it comes out...