
Wow this place is totally dead, eh? 
          	Yeah, it's been a hot minute since anything happened here (roughly 6 years, holy hell). It's about time I get back into the swing of things. And doing so, I'm currently working on a story regarding my OCs, where 5 chapters will be posted every now and then. Do keep in mind, I'm a bit rusty and I have life stuff occupying me most of the time, so the wait time is expected. This is also a good segue into showing how my writing style has changed over these years.
          	Hopefully you guys enjoy it though. Stay tuned!


Wow this place is totally dead, eh? 
          Yeah, it's been a hot minute since anything happened here (roughly 6 years, holy hell). It's about time I get back into the swing of things. And doing so, I'm currently working on a story regarding my OCs, where 5 chapters will be posted every now and then. Do keep in mind, I'm a bit rusty and I have life stuff occupying me most of the time, so the wait time is expected. This is also a good segue into showing how my writing style has changed over these years.
          Hopefully you guys enjoy it though. Stay tuned!


Still gonna do any more stories?


How about a story about one of your OCs? I like stories like that.


@Sugary_Poison I do plan to. It's just that I've been busy with family for a while and haven't gotten around to making a new one. I'm still taking requests but no one has any requests. 


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Happy 4/13, guys! Just wanted to say that I'm still alive and plan to write some more shit. I'm torn between writing an x-reader or a requested pairing. Any suggestions? If you want the story prompted a certain way - like, if you wanted to control how the stage is set - let me know and I'll work something out. In the meantime, stay awesome! 


Forgot to say that it's a Homestuck fanfic, so keep that in mind. 


Okay, so it's been far too long since I've posted anything, what with finals and writer's block out the ass, but I need a suggestion from you guys. I feel like going back to writing an 'x Reader' fic, but I'm torn between Far Cry 5 and Creepypasta. Any thoughts?


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*stares intensely at my Gmail* Holy shit. I had no idea how popular my Nepeta x Male!Reader was. I'll tell you guys the truth. At the time I posted the story, my knowledge on HS was pretty damn limited. Now that I've gotten older and obtained more HS facts, it could be better. With THAT much love on a really terrible HS fic, it won't be taken down. Neither will any more of my other works. But there will be a new series of HS ancestors. I'll be starting with the guys, then work my way to the lady trolls. Since I have no life, I'll be typing it all up tonight! That being said, be on the lookout ^u^


Hey, guys... I kinda wanna ask you guys for something. I want to make a few stories (not one-shots but they have a LOT of chapters and have a plot), but I need your guys' support on this. This debates whether or not I post anything anymore. If you do wish to respond but don't feel inclined, please do. It'll help out a lot. But yeah, just respond with either:
               I usually don't really get a lot of love on Wattpad, so this is why I'm leaning towards leaving for good. However, I wanna know your opinions instead. I know I sound emo af but the internet is pretty much the only thing I have now and I kinda wanna do something. But let me know if I should stay and keep writing for you guys or leave and sit in a corner.


Happy 4/13, Homestuckers!!! Yeah I know, this account is practically dead, but it doesn't hurt to celebrate 4/13 and spam emails from that XD. But yeah, the account may not be deleted but I might not post anything else on here. I still wanna keep it here to read some good stories tho, don't get me wrong. It's  just... there's no love for the stories I write here, so I just said screw it.


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Hey, guys... I dunno how to put this, but I'll get straight to the point. I'm probably gonna delete my stories and/or my Wattpad altogether. I noticed how my stories barely get any reads and no votes or comments; apparently only the bad one I made in the past has gotten so much love, and it's complete shit. So, I'm probably gonna delete it all and not come back... I decided to post my stories on AO3 from now on. Tbh, I've gotten more support on there than here. Sorry for those who genuinely love my stories, but... I guess it's time I stop trying and let go. ( -._-.)


Hallo, kittens! I'll just post this, then I'll shut up and keep posting stories. I plan to post a Q&A book for anyone who wants to know about my shitty life! All in favor of the Q&A book, say I and/or drop questions in the comment box of the Prologue of my new book :33! All opposed, then just be quiet and deal with it ._. There may actually be people that care to know, so don't ruin it. With that said, ciao! ♥️♠️