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…life fuckin sucks it’s the same shit everyday, wake up and do school work or don’t even get up out of bed then eat the same shity ramen cause that’s all we can afford or at least what I can eat cause if we do get lucky and be able to cook something edible for dinner a good chunk of the time I can’t eat it cause it’s stuff my body can’t handle due to my stupid sensory crap and the tastes or I can eat it but only a small bit of the food cause the rest is stuff I don’t like which I can’t fuckin control over or since I don’t have much energy ever anymore so I’m normally napping whenever possible I don’t get woken up for dinner and once I do wake up I get told about it but not where it is or which bag is fuckin mine to eat… I’m so tired of this crap and yet people question why I seem so pissy or never do anything anymore but if I do manage to get up out of my bed for once in my life and clean a little bit of my stupid prison cell of a bedroom I’m then ask to do multiple other bullshit they can do themselves and I instantly get burned out and on top of it all I’m in Highschool and highly burnt out even more with the same shit I’ve done everyday since I was 5 so I’m lucky if I manage to even do a single assignment for a day or even for a entire week from how done and worn out my entire being is