Hello guys my name is Puppy7718 and I'm 5'6 currently growing to be 5'10 yep that tall who would have thought right? I'm not going to tell you that much about myself because (>.<) It's a secret.

So the things I like to do are read and writing wow who would have thought that. I like anime and manga I read all the time and I love to play video games like minecraft and roblox and halo that kind of stuff. So even though I've listed a lot of things that are indoors I like to be outside too.

The things I like to do outside is ride my bike and ride my scooter. Play basketball and when I can go go krating. Yep so if you have any other questions come ask me. Oh and if you guys want to reach me I go to school so I come home around 2:20 so yep that's when you can message me.

Bye guys

Puppy7718 out
  • انضمApril 26, 2014

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