Hello everyone!!!
I guess this is my official goodbye. I’ve had this account for 10 years now and wow does time fly. Wattpad was something that I had during really rough and patchy places in my life that I’ve thankfully gotten away from and healed from as well. I started this account when I was 12 years old. I had nothing at that point it felt like, nothing to call mine and nothing to fill the void that my childhood left. But so much has happened since then and I’ve decided to put it to rest. I’ve not written anything in years and for awhile that made me sad.
It felt as if I had lost a passion, and lost my calling when I can see now that I don’t really have anything else to say. That’s happened with a lot of things in my life and maybe one day I’ll find my way back to writing but it won’t be here…
But it’s been 10 years. I’ve cried, laughed and even kicked my feet writing some of my books. They will always have a special place in my heart but I have to make room for new things and lay this to rest. I’m 22 years old, I’m getting married to the love of my life in a month and I’m expecting a beautiful babygirl at the end of March next year . New chapters are starting for me, and those chapters can’t be written. Only experienced and felt and lived. My books will be left up, but I will no longer be active. Not that I really have been. Thank you to my followers who made me the proudest little girl in the world. Thankyou to the people who commented, and shared and voted for my stories. You all have given my thousands of smiles.