
Hey! I was hoping you would take some time off to read my works. They aren’t much cause I really haven’t found the time to sit and write. Anywayz, I really need the reviews.
          I’d really appreciate it if you would vote and comment on all my stories and Become a fan! 
          Oh! Id love it if you do.


          I was wondering if you could check out my story it's called `wish came true...unfortunately`I have the first 8 chapters up. I would really appreciate it if you could check it out and vote, comment, and become a fan if you want. 
          Thanks a lot, 


Hey! If you have any spare time do you think you could give one of my storys a look! If you cant then I completely understand:) 
          Umm the names of my storys are...
          "Mysterys of the Night" and "Love Shake, and Broken"
          Maybe comment and vote? constructive critizism is welcom:D
          <3 Syerra


helloo!! fellow­ marshmellows...i mean humans!­!! i know you get tired of th­ese massages and ya they are r­eally annoying cuz i personall­y think so too, but can you pl­ease check out my stories The ­Last Angel and License To Stea­l...Your Heart? thanx a ton! i­ really wouldnt be sending the­se messages, but its the only ­solution to getting my stories­ out there! (seriously, this i­s like, my plan Z) :P thank yo­u so so much for your time, an­d i would absolutely be honour­ed to retourn the favor!! :) :­) ahh, so much for plan... (AB­CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) oh i­ got it! plan Y :( teehee okay­ thanx!! :) :) XD XD
          well The Last A­ngel is about a girl who finds­ out that she's the last angel­ and her mission on earth is t­o grant someone's wish to the ­person who can figure out her ­angel name. hunted down by ang­el seekers, she is forced to g­o on the run, uncovering secre­ts about her culture, and emot­ions for her guardian.
          License To Stea­l...Your Heart? is about a gir­l and a boy who are sent to ta­ke their talent necklaces, a p­ersons most prized possession,­ from each other. together, th­ey find out about each others ­mission while uncovering forbi­dden emotions.
          thanx for ur time!! 


          sorry to disturb your peace :P
          but could take few minutes to read my story called 'Give My Virginity Back"
          8 chapters only
          Comment. Vote and Become Fan (if you love it)
          Feedback, criticism accepted.
          thank you
          ps if you want me to read would be my pleasure...i try to get through every request


heya! If you don’t mind, could you take a look at "the four sisters" on my profile page? My sister (her account is Angii121) and I are writing it and I would love to get some honest feedback! It would be really awesome if you could, but no pressure! 
          Thanks a bunch, 
          Storm xx