
I’m at the vet, and there’s a random kid sitting on the floor playing with toys. And he keeps leaning on me. It’s adorable. 


I've lost count of how many times I've opened a book document to write, but ended up scrolling through my plot notes, deciding something just isn't right, coming up with a solution, and end up staring hopelessly at the document because the changes I want to make are too immense.


Since school is starting next week, I've decided on a new update schedule, and it's completely unlike all my others ones (which completely failed after not even a week. I'm THAT bad at schedules when it comes to writing.) I'll explain more in the next book updates, but basically I'll be focusing on writing ONE book per month (though short stories may be an exception, since I've been getting a lot of ideas lately), and stockpiling chapters to upload slowly while I binge write the next book over the following month. I hope this one works!