Hey guys! I have an update on the ongoing awards I'm hosting! Entries have been slowly coming in less and less.
I've decided to stop accepting entries on December 23rd! I want to start judging early next year!
Since I'll be closing entries late next month, cateogires with less than 2 entries will be deleted, and categories with less than 1 judge will be deleted (possibly)!
So, if you don't want to see your category deleted, please get some judges! That's what we need most! I will be posting a chapter on what I just said next week in both categories as well asnthe categories in danger of deletion!
Categories with 0 entries and judges will be automatically deleted as I've had this open for a while now.
Have a good day! Happy writing!
Spread the word around so we can get judges for the categories! I really don't want to have to delete categories with lots of people in them!