
Hey Everyone,
          	Long time no talk!
          	I've just uploaded an Intro on a new story i've been working on.  If you have a minute check it out.


@peppersocks I had a sequel up a few years ago, but i took it down.  I would upload it again, but the computer it was on got wiped, so it's completely lost.


Hey Everyone,
          Long time no talk!
          I've just uploaded an Intro on a new story i've been working on.  If you have a minute check it out.


@peppersocks I had a sequel up a few years ago, but i took it down.  I would upload it again, but the computer it was on got wiped, so it's completely lost.


Hey I know you might now have the time but I'm reading like most of your books and I would really appreciate it if you could maybe read my book there is only one chapter for now but could you plz check it out. 


Hey Guys!
          As you've probably been notified, i've uploaded the first chapter of "The Summer i Fell" (TSIF) I haven't been working on it as much as i should, but as long as i finish packing for school tomorrow, i should be able to write a little bit this week.  That's not what this message is for though.
          I was cleaning out my closet and i found an old binder that i've stored a whole bunch of really old stories in.  They're stories that i wrote a pretty long time ago, so there will be lots of grammar mistakes, but i was thinking.  
          If i get enough feedback from my followers (that'd be you) i'd be more than happy to start uploading one or two of those stories!
          Let me know what you guys think!
          Have an awesome day/night! 
          and check out my story TSIF!


Hey Guys!
          Thanks for following me, even if I do only upload like once a year.
          I’ve been at school since September and I still havent’ been able to find the time to completely write a new story.
          This is where it gets interesting.  I think I might re-write “Me and my Step Brother” 
          I think it will be easier than completely starting over.  The idea of the story will be the same but I’m going to add and take away characters and change the ending. 
          I’m not going to be uploading very often, because it will be my project when I’m not doing anything else. And im very busy with school, and watching my weight.  I take classes everyday that are 6 hour labs, and then I go to the gym and do homework. So, we’ll see how this works out!
          Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
          So if Step-bro disappears from my works, it’s because I took it down to put the edited version up.  I don’t plan on taking it down until the edited version is completely done though. :D
          HAPPY NEW YEAR!
          And have a fantastic day!
          - Jes


Happy New Year! :D