in case your unaware of the amazing flower that is. lav {<3}, They are the fantastic author of prolly all the books on this account *couGH* ik thats only one so far but its amazing*CouGh* so kudos to you flower dearest, you give me way too much credit for being the worlds worst editor *clap*
Second Chapter Posted!
So... thoughts on Bird Caller and Can Opener? You guys don't know their real names- And I do *hehe*
Yeah I also came up wtih a really smart thing so I'm laughing on teh inside now, I gotta go jot it down before I forget it lmao
hello new followers, {of lav's!} o/
most of the time ill sign off messages as -S
but uh, y e a h, homies im not the amazing author, but hope ya have a great um day time night time thingy, timezones are weird- :/