
Follow my second account @Azarialove21 I'll be mostly on that account because I really don't feel like using this phone. It's being hella slow and it's annoying. For all of the chats and rps that I have going on in this account just message me there and we can continue our old rp or chat or start a new one. 


Follow my second account @Azarialove21 I'll be mostly on that account because I really don't feel like using this phone. It's being hella slow and it's annoying. For all of the chats and rps that I have going on in this account just message me there and we can continue our old rp or chat or start a new one. 


          I am finally able to get my phone charged up but i don't know how long it'll last before It eventually decides to stop working completely. I still don't know what the problem is but still follow my other account @Azarialove21
          Also I started taking my medication for my depression, i stopped because my grandma said it wasn't helping so I got prescribed for it again but this time it's a higher dose then my first one. I started taking it a few days ago and I've been feeling nauseous ever since barely eating. But today I ate a sandwich, two pieces of pizza and a chicken nugget tv dinner. I still feel nauseous but it's not that bad. Anyways I've been staying hydrated
          Anyways I hope you guys are doing well make sure to get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated
          Love you!❤️


Make sure you stay healthy and I hope everything goes good for you!


I think my phone is officially broken. It won't charge, i tried two different charges besides the one that I was currently using but none of them seem to work so idk what I'll do. I don't wanna get rid of this account I've made so many good friends and role players on here. Until I figure out what to do y'all go follow my second account @Azarialove21 I'll be more active on there for the time being its very important if you still wanna chat or rp with me.


@PurpleStarlight8 Yeah that's true but I can't take off the back of the phone. My old phone is a ZTE idk how to take it off without breaking it completely 


@PurpleStarlight8 Probably both I had the phone for years but I did drop it multiple times because I'm clusmy lol


I need help with face claims for my ocs that I will be making. They have to be black. Male and female pls 


@Daughter_of_Prime Thank you I appreciate it 


Anyone wanna chat or rp? I was also thinking about making new new sibling ocs because why but I have no idea what to put for them so i need you guys help. Give me ideas and suggestions like the face claim ( Have to American, African American. Nothing related to kpop) and likes and dislikes other things. If they are fantasy related what supernatural creature would they be. I'm just bored and got nothing better to do.