
I'm sitting there like: ⊙⁠.⁠☉ 
          	My mom was making food, so I was observing what she was making and she yelled "this isn't about you, stop looking at me!". And my emotional ass started tearing up. "I can't just have a conversation with my husband, can I? One of you always has to cry!" So I was like "I'm not crying over tha-"  "I was talking to him about the flowers, you didn't get the flowers you should be fine!" I walk to my room, she's yelling at me from the kitchen. (Note, I hate artificial light, so when the Sun is up I open my curtains and turn off my light.)  She comes to my room and turns on the light. "No, you don't get to walk away, I did nothing. I was just trying to talk to my husband! You have no reason to cry"  "Mom, people have emotions, that's the real world. I was hurt by the way you talked to me, you know I'm emotional. We all have emotions, and sometimes we react in situations that don't involve us" we walks away. I turn my light back on. About 5 minutes later she comes back in, angrily turning my light back on "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk to you like that"  "Okay"  "It's not 'okay'. I'm sorry"  "Okay". It takes me time to forgive people, so if you were to give me 20 minutes to think and then apologize to me, I would respond with "I forgive you". But I needed the time to process the situation. She seemed offended that I just said okay. 
          	This was 10 minutes ago, I'm sitting in my room with my light back off ✌️


I'm sitting there like: ⊙⁠.⁠☉ 
          My mom was making food, so I was observing what she was making and she yelled "this isn't about you, stop looking at me!". And my emotional ass started tearing up. "I can't just have a conversation with my husband, can I? One of you always has to cry!" So I was like "I'm not crying over tha-"  "I was talking to him about the flowers, you didn't get the flowers you should be fine!" I walk to my room, she's yelling at me from the kitchen. (Note, I hate artificial light, so when the Sun is up I open my curtains and turn off my light.)  She comes to my room and turns on the light. "No, you don't get to walk away, I did nothing. I was just trying to talk to my husband! You have no reason to cry"  "Mom, people have emotions, that's the real world. I was hurt by the way you talked to me, you know I'm emotional. We all have emotions, and sometimes we react in situations that don't involve us" we walks away. I turn my light back on. About 5 minutes later she comes back in, angrily turning my light back on "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to talk to you like that"  "Okay"  "It's not 'okay'. I'm sorry"  "Okay". It takes me time to forgive people, so if you were to give me 20 minutes to think and then apologize to me, I would respond with "I forgive you". But I needed the time to process the situation. She seemed offended that I just said okay. 
          This was 10 minutes ago, I'm sitting in my room with my light back off ✌️


(I was eating my food when this was happening, so I was also in the kitchen) My mom was fighting with my dad over the flowers that he got her. She loved them. But she noticed that one of the flowers were broken, so she said "Oh, this one broke". My dad thought she was mad about it, "Oh, I didn't know, sorry. It's not that big of a deal though". So she was confused "I wasn't blaming you, I was just observing it." 
          He had a moment of realization "Oh, sorry, I thought you were blaming me". He tried to go downstairs to change (bc he just got home from work), but she yelled "don't leave, we're having a conversation. You can't just assume I'm ungrateful for the flowers. Why can't I just come home and be happy?! I just ruin everything, I ruined this, I could have just gotten home and be happy!" My dad was like 'my god'. Blah blah blah, she's saying she makes everything worse. 
          During this, btw, my dad is just standing there, occasionally saying "I'm sorry, I know. You don't ruin everything". But she keeps yelling and eventually just tells him to go away. 
          I have to go write this in two posts or else there would be too much for me to post in one message. 


Y'all I really am trying to work on my stories, but it's been really hard lately . Ik I started them ages ago, but I'm a really good procrastinator. I promise I'm going to start editing them this week, or at LEAST the TMNT ones bc I'm in that phase RN.


Yeaaaaah so um.... I noticed how many books I have started and haven't continued... This is because I become obsessed with different fandoms very often, and leave the old ones. It can become hard to continue a book about TMNT characters when I'm now obsessed with Mha (just an example). Rn I'm obsessed w Harry Potter, so I'll be writing bout that. Sorry lol.


          y'all probably didn't know I was gone, but I had to delete Wattpad bc I got a new phone. BUT IM BACK.


@DracoLilHoe just so you know, I made the Snape smut last week




Also, one more thing. Have you ever had a crush on one of your teachers? How old were they, were they married and what subject were they in? I'm only mentioning this because I've had a crush on two of my teachers  my Health teacher and my English teacher. They both have told me they are proud of me.  Though, my health teacher thinks that Id make a really good doctor and my English teacher thinks I would make a good author sooo. They are both married and they both have kids.  But they're finnneee AF. They still work at my school I'll see them next year. 


this message may be offensive
@Miss_ChievousII I had a tiny crush on one of my teachers in 7th grade. She was 26, single, and FUCKING GORGEOUS.


Soooo I'm making a new book! It's gonna be about the Street Punk turtles! (If you don't know who those are, the character's names are Ghost, Swift, Rebel, and MC). Ik I don't update my other books but I've been wanted to make this for a while. 
          However, I'm going to make the characters a little bit different; they are still going to keep the names of the Street Punk turtles, but they're going to be mixed with the 2012 ones. Don't worry, they're mostly going to stay to their original personalities, but with a twist!
          Ghost is still going to be quiet, preserved, and love guns, but he's going to be a bit nerdy like Donnie. 
          Swift is still going to be his flirtatious self, but he's going to be more leader-like. Rebel is still going to love to cook and be the mother of the family, but he's going to have bigger anger issues. And finally MC, he's going to be slightly flirtatious, he's still going to be the one who's always in trouble, however he's going to like art and gaming like Mikey. 
          Originally I was going to make this story about the 2018 turtles, but I realized it wouldn't really fit with their personalities, so I resorted to this. I really thought they would pair well with my characters. A little warning though, I will be using OCs, but that doesn't mean you can't insert yourself where that character would be. Every character will have their time to have a first person section. Feel free to answer yourself in that person's shoes, especially if they are a lot like you. 
          One last warning, I will have pictures at the beginning of each chapter including 'Gacha Life' versions of how I imagine the characters to look like. I don't have another app to characterize them in so I decided to use 'Gacha Life 2'. I know they look cheesy and childish but it's the only thing I can use okay. 
          I hope you like it! Adios!