
Hello everybody!! I just wanted to say that the problem is over but... THERE IS A FREAKING CYCLONE NEAR WHERE I LIVE AND I AM FREAKING OUT SO MUCH!! I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO I'M SO SCARED!!!! but I'm alright kinda... I scared as hell right now because me + storms is not a good mix. I have finished watching Fairy Tail and I am so mad cause they stopped the English dubbed version on a cliffhanger AND I can't get a really good manga app. I don't want to watch the sub title version but I kinda have to which is annoying cause I don't read fast and yeah... I will be updating very soon so don't worry about it! ^-^ ok I will talk to ya soon!!!! BYE!!!! OMG IT IS CATEGORY 4 HOLY S*IT!!!!!!!


Hello everybody!! I just wanted to say that the problem is over but... THERE IS A FREAKING CYCLONE NEAR WHERE I LIVE AND I AM FREAKING OUT SO MUCH!! I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO I'M SO SCARED!!!! but I'm alright kinda... I scared as hell right now because me + storms is not a good mix. I have finished watching Fairy Tail and I am so mad cause they stopped the English dubbed version on a cliffhanger AND I can't get a really good manga app. I don't want to watch the sub title version but I kinda have to which is annoying cause I don't read fast and yeah... I will be updating very soon so don't worry about it! ^-^ ok I will talk to ya soon!!!! BYE!!!! OMG IT IS CATEGORY 4 HOLY S*IT!!!!!!!