


Happiest birthday to one of the best, the most beautiful, the loveliest, the strongest person I've ever met. Happy birthday Meela ♡ ♡ always be happy and stay blessed. I love you so much. You've grown up well and I couldn't be prouder. I know I've told you this plenty of times but I'm telling you again that I'm so lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for being here and with you I never feel lonely or unheard. You don't know how happy you make me. Your one text is enough to brighten up my mood. There's no point in denying that I've finally found my Hobi to my Joonie. You deserve the world, Meela. Never settle for less. Love you ❤️
          ~Your appi :)


@starzett omg appi~ you're going to make me cry (out of pure happiness, of course). And you literally are the sun to my dark times and breeze of excitement to my everyday life. 
            Thank you so much for remembering my special day, it really means a lot! Your thoughtfulness can only be compared to Joonbug, and I'll always cherish you like crabs and sprite.
            I really don't know how to thank you enough...


This one is a completely new chapter for all my old and new readers. I just wanted a backstory for Yoonjin and tada!
          I just published "13 Tero (New)" of my story "Macrocosmos: A Tale Of Two Planets". https://www.wattpad.com/1395771553?utm_source=android&utm_medium=profile&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=Purple_meow_meow&wp_originator=czY055YjophFQIihKiTLuqGZ9BC1uMCQn%2FI00YphBQ5c0clHo7ZwJ5ueB3yyG96rYQgu1OBFPG38i0oZRK87ldqjOAAhvYDIxTvMG%2BFzO7O%2Br4UoqjXfIpYhaHQz5m7G
