
account will likely remain inactive from now on, all stories have been unpublished.




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@New_Waver I will haunt him for eternity. The moment I get the chance, I will do anything it takes to bring justice to everyone he has ever hurt. My life has a high chance of going to absolute shit but I won’t stop living until he’s gone down with me. When I go to sleep at night, I hope I’m there in his nightmares, reminding him of the things he’s done.


@New_Waver I guess, but I still have a BURNING urge to turn him into the police and ruin his future forever if it weren’t for the fact they’ll rat me out to my parents. He should have known better. That apology of his was so half assed it makes me want to bite something. He made it so it couldn’t be traced back to him. Because he doesn’t wanna man up and face the fact that he’s a goddamn predator, a cheater, and a hypocrite. He says he acknowledges what he’s done but knowing him, he feels no remorse.


its ok so uh that drama with slap, is it over forever?