
I published a new story called "Right Beside Me"


Hello, everyone its kiamesha. I know its been a while. I wanted to thank everyone that has followed and read my pieces. I have made a decision to keep my account active, however, the stories won't be continued here.  They will all be published eventually on Amazon  
          So, if you want updates please subscribe to my blog( https://kiameshadenisesims.wixsite.com/windywarriors?fbclid=IwAR0_jjPePzF8YYaY4FaBeIYjQ8YRBoya6jQo8WcUvRrLTzIWVVTSO5722nQ) or follow me on my social media.  


Hi, everyone! Hope you had a good week. THERE IS A NEW STORY. I'm excited about. Of course, the other stories will be updated. JUST BE PATIENT. 
          ALSO, I have decided to keep my profile although I am published, started a business course, and blog. Also, the stories I've read are amazing. ;) 


Also, here is my social media handles if you wanna follow me: 
          1.@Writerauthor08 on Twitter
          2.@kiamesha_writerbird on Instagram
          3.https://kiameshadenisesims.wixsite.com/windywarriors (blog on Wix.com . They are biweekly on Wednesday at 5 PM EST.)
          4.https://m.facebook.com/Writerspirit08/?ref=bookmarks (my author page)
          5.https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/97279923-kiamesha (my Goodreads page) 
          I update these a lot. So don't be shy to stop by.  


Hello, guys! Long time no see. I know it's been awhile. I've been focusing on publishing on Amazon. Actually, if you follow me those will be published on Amazon in the future. after a few changes and everything. 
          My book promo is free until tomorrow. Then goes back to regular price if you haven't seen it. https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Stars-Kiamesha-Denise-Sims-ebook/dp/B07X1M97TT/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=29AOYC20YMRIS&keywords=blue+stars+book+1+kiamesha+denise+sims&qid=1577239306&sprefix=Blue+Stars%3A+boo+%2Caps%2C236&sr=8-3