
Updated Debree. 


For this summer, I will be bringing my version of "Cinderella", in which -sneakpeek- Cinderella is a total *itch, and the faerie godmother is a snake and a black cat with red eyes. I will also be bringing "The Princess He" (La Princesa El) in both Spanish and English versions, which is a story that talks about old kingdoms and a king that had 5 daughters and a son that dressed like a girl, so it looked like he had 6 daughters. It also has a lesbian dragon. 


FINALLY, I am bringing "A Sad Little Genius" to this account... if I remember the password to A-Wise-Cat... And if I haven't deleted it from there. ALSO, has anyone seen my Spanish journal? I have a ton of stories that I would love to traduce to English in there, but I can't find it anywhere. 


Also, the second chapter for "Stairway to Heaven" is over at my fictionpress account, but I won't uploaded in here because "Stairway to Heaven" is supposed to be a one-shot, not to have more chapters. Also, "NOVA 7: Half the Event" will be updated in this summer too. 


Hey, guys. I probably shouldn't even show my face around here, but, well, anyways. I deleted some of my stories. I won't say which, and I wont' say why... Alright, I'll say why: they are going to be re-written, and I do not want them up in this site for further embarrassment. That's all, have a good day, my fellow friends. 


          Well, *awkwardly scratches back of head* each week I try to learn one of their songs with the correct pronunciation, lyrics and whatnot. Up to now, I have learned Saeglopur, Staralfur, Sticks and Stones, Gathering Stories, Hoppipolla and Gobbledigook. My favourite ones to sing are Staralfur, Gathering Stories, Sticks and Stones and Gobbledigook (I fall asleep with Saeglopur and I cry with Hoppipolla). Also, they are lyrical geniuses, as you know, forming their language, Hopelandic, with repeated, meaningful Icelandic phrases, which I find completely beautiful and can be appreciated fully in the song Saeglopur. One of my favourite Hopelandic phrases are "Vindur í hárinu", which means "Wind in the Hair", which can be expressed as freedom. There are other phrases, but I won't write them here because charactre count and stuff. Anyways, I guess that's what I know about them -summarised.